If plug-and-play configuration fails

If the plug-and-play configuration fails, check for possible causes and solutions.

Note: There are special considerations when using plug-and-play configuration. For example, both the SMC and the Secure SD-WAN Engines must be registered for plug-and-play configuration before you configure the engines. See Knowledge Base article 9662.

If you plugged in a USB drive to the appliance, check the sg_autoconfig.log file on the USB drive.

If you see a connection refused error message, make sure that the Management Server IP address is reachable from the engine. Also check the settings that you have defined for the engine’s interfaces in the Management Client. The port numbers and settings must match the interface IDs and other interface settings in the Management Client.

If attempts to connect to the Installation Server through the mobile broadband modem and Ethernet port 0 have failed, the appliance starts the connecting process again. It retries the ports in the same order (mobile broadband modem, then Ethernet port 0). If necessary, you can run the command sg-reconfigure --stop-autocontact on the engine command line to stop this process.

If plug-and play-configuration continues to fail, save the initial configuration file on a USB drive, then configure the engine using the automatic configuration method.