Upgrade from an installation DVD

You can upgrade the engines to the latest version from a DVD that was shipped to you, or from a DVD that you have created from an .iso image that you downloaded from the Forcepoint website.


  1. Log on to the node as root with the password you set for the engine (you can set the password through the Management Client).
  2. Insert the DVD into the engine’s DVD drive.
  3. Restart the node from the DVD with the command reboot (recommended) or by cycling the power (if you cannot log on).

    You are promoted to select the upgrade type.

  4. Enter 1 to upgrade the existing installation and press Enter to continue.
    The upgrade process starts.
  5. When the process is finished, eject the DVD and press Enter to restart.
  6. If the command-line version of the Secure SD-WAN Configuration Wizard opens, configure the engine in the same way as after the first installation.
    You can also use the web browser version of the Secure SD-WAN Configuration Wizard.
  7. When the upgrade is finished, right-click the node in the Management Client and select Commands > Go Online.

    A confirmation dialog box opens.

  8. (Optional) Enter an Audit Comment to be shown in the audit log entry that is generated when you send the command to the engine.
  9. Click Yes.
    Note: If you are upgrading a cluster, start the upgrade on the next node only when the upgraded node is back online.