Dynamic link selection configuration overview

The configuration of dynamic link selection consists of several general steps.

  1. Define link selection options in the properties of QoS Class elements to specify how important different quality metrics are for traffic that is associated with the QoS Class.
  2. (Optional) Create Connection Type elements to define how NetLinks and VPN endpoints are used in a Multi-Link configuration.

    If the default Connection Type elements meet your needs, it is not necessary to create custom Connection Type elements.

    When you create NetLinks or VPN endpoints, select a Connection Type element.

  3. Create a Link Usage Profile element to define which link types are preferred, avoided, or not used for specific types of traffic.
  4. Activate dynamic link selection.
    • To use dynamic link selection for outbound traffic that uses Multi-Link routes, select a Link Usage Profile for an Secure SD-WAN Engine.
    • To use dynamic link selection for Multi-Link VPNs, select a Link Usage Profile for a policy-based VPN, route-based VPN tunnel group, or a VPN broker domain.

  5. (Optional) To specify which traffic uses specific NetLinks, define exceptions to the Link Usage Profile for an Secure SD-WAN Engine.