Clear the existing engine configuration before changing the Secure SD-WAN Engine role

Before you change the role of an Secure SD-WAN Engine from one type to another, clear the existing engine configuration.


  1. Connect to the engine’s command line using a monitor and keyboard or a serial cable, and log on as root.
    If you use a serial cable, use a terminal console program to connect to the Secure SD-WAN appliance with these settings:
    • Bits per second — 115,200
    • Data bits — 8
    • Parity — None
    • Stop bits — 1.
    Note: The serial console port speed is 115,200 bps in most Secure SD-WAN appliances. The speed is 9600 bps in older Secure SD-WAN appliance models. See the hardware guide for your Secure SD-WAN appliance model for more information.
  2. Enter the command sg-clear-all.
    The engine restarts and you are prompted to select the system restore options.
    Using the system restore options clears all configuration information from the engine. It is not possible to recover the engine’s previous configuration.
  3. Type 2 and press Enter.
    You are prompted to select the number of overwrites for the data partition.
  4. Type 0 and press Enter.
    You are prompted to select the number of overwrites for the swap partition.
  5. Type 0 and press Enter.
    You are prompted to select whether to remove the spool partition.
  6. Type 2 and press Enter.
    You are prompted to select the number of overwrites for the spool partition.
  7. Type 0 and press Enter.
    You are prompted to confirm that you want to clear the configuration.
  8. Type YES and press Enter.
    The system starts clearing the engine’s configuration.
    Do not turn off or restart the engine while the configuration is being cleared. Doing so can cause a serious error that prevents the engine from starting.
  9. Press Enter to restart the engine when prompted.
    The engine restarts and the Secure SD-WAN Configuration Wizard starts on the command line.