Check validity and status of licenses

You can check license validity and binding information in the Management Client.

The view displays each license and the component it is bound to, with the newest software version that the license allows you to install. Licenses are valid for all minor releases within the displayed major version (for example, a 5.1 license allows installing 5.1.0, 5.1.1, and 5.1.2) and for any previous software version.

It is not possible to create new IP-address-bound licenses for Secure SD-WAN Engine components. You can upgrade previously created IP-address-bound Secure SD-WAN Engine licenses to new versions. However, if a license is changed in any other way, the binding must also be changed.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Select Configuration, then browse to Administration.
  2. Select Licenses > All Licenses.

All Licenses view

Use this view to check the validity and status of licenses.

Option Definition
  • Refresh View — Updates the view.
  • Expand All — Expands all levels of the tree.
  • Collapse All — Collapses all levels of the tree.
  • Text size — Increase or decrease the text size in this view.
  • Organize By — Sorts the view according to the license type, administrative domain, or expiration date.
  • Install Licenses — Install licenses.
  • Configure Updates and Upgrades — Configure settings for dynamic updates, engine upgrades, and licenses. Opens the Global System Properties dialog box.
  • Check Maintenance Contract — View maintenance contract and support level information for your licenses.
    Note: To enable viewing maintenance contract and support level information permanently for your licenses, you must allow the Management Server to contact Forcepoint servers.
  • Get POS Information From Engines — Collects proof-of-serial (POS) license codes for Secure SD-WAN Engines.
  • Export as CSV File — Exports license information as a comma-separated value (CSV) file. For more information, see Knowledge Base article 16134.
  • Export MSSP Report — Exports an MSSP report that provides information about the configured Secure SD-WAN engines and their license properties. For more information, see Knowledge Base article 17244.
Licenses list
Name Shows the name of the license.
  • Bound — The license is permanently bound to some component. It can be unbound to the “Retained” status.
  • Assigned — The license is assigned to a component, but is not yet permanently bound to it. This can be because the component's policy has not been installed after the license binding. Or, the component is a type of element that does not have a policy. It can be unbound to the “Unassigned” status or deleted.
  • Retained — The license has been unbound from the “Bound” status. It can be rebound to the same component with the “Cancel Unbind” action. The status of Management Server POL-bound licenses can be changed to “Unassigned”. Try one of the procedures for troubleshooting licenses that are shown as retained.
  • Unassigned — The license is not bound to any component. It can be bound to a component or deleted. To bind the license to a component, right-click the license, then select Bind.
  • Expired — The license has reached the end of its validity period. Only evaluation licenses and licenses for Secure SD-WAN Engines installed on virtualization platforms have a validity period. Other licenses are valid for the software version that is indicated in the license without any time restrictions.
  • Invalid (Management Server POL-bound licenses only) — The license was generated using a POL code that does not belong to the Management Server to which you are currently connected.
Bound To Shows the component to which the license is bound.
Binding The information shown in the Binding column depends on the type of license:
  • Dynamic POL-bound license — Shows the POL code of the Management Server to which the license is bound.
  • IP-address-bound license — Shows the IP addresses to which the license is bound.
  • POS-bound license — Shows the POS code of the appliance to which the license is bound.
  • UIID-bound license — Shows the UIID of the SMC to which the license is bound.
Version Shows the highest software version for which the license is valid.
Expires Shows the expiration date of the license.
Allocated To If Domains have been configured, shows the Domain to which the license is allocated.
Comment An optional comment for your own reference.

Properties dialog box (License)

Use this dialog box to view License details.

Option Definition
State Shows the state of the license.
Customer Shows the name of the customer.
Proof of License Shows the proof-of-license (POL) code of the license.
Granted Shows when the license was granted.
Platform Shows the operating system for which the license is valid.
Expires Shows the expiration date of the license.
Binding Shows whether the license is statically bound to the IP address of the licensed component, dynamically bound to the Management Server’s POL code, or bound to the proof-of-serial (POS) code of a Secure SD-WAN appliance.
Proof of Serial

(Licenses for Secure SD-WAN appliances only)

Shows the appliance's POS code to which the license is bound.
Allowed Domains Shows the administrative Domains in which the license is valid.
License Item ID Shows the ID of the license item.
Version Shows the highest software version for which the license is valid.
Product Code Shows the product code for which the license was generated.
License File ID Shows the ID of the license file.
Management Server Binding

(POL-bound licenses only)

Shows the Management Server POL code to which the license is bound.


Shows the assigned category.
Select Opens the Category Selection dialog box.


An optional comment for your own reference.