
GET 7.1/api allows the discovery of all available entry-points of the API.

The examples in this section show a sample of the HTTP response body in XML and JSON.

The structure of each entry-point is:
  • href: The API's URI to the associated entry-point
  • rel: A keyword that is the same in all version-specific entry-points

The OPTIONS method returns a list of the methods that you can use with each rel. Execute the OPTIONS method using the following syntax: OPTIONS http://localhost:8082/7.1/<rel>

Table 1. Examples of the OPTIONS method
rel OPTIONS method Supported methods
logout OPTIONS http://localhost:8082/7.1/logout OPTIONS, PUT

To use the logout rel, use a PUT method.

Example: PUT http://localhost:8082/7.1/logout

elements OPTIONS http://localhost:8082/7.1/elements HEAD, GET, OPTIONS

To use the elements rel, use a GET method.

Example: GET http://localhost:8082/7.1/elements

For example, for the entry-point host, the API's URI is GET 7.1/elements/host. Execution of GET 7.1/elements/host returns all defined Host elements in the HTTP response body.

To log in, execute POST 7.1/login.
Note: GET 7.1/api does not give query parameter information. Query parameters are defined in the API documentation.
The execution of GET 7.1/api with Accept: application/xml returns the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> 
    <entry_point href="http://localhost:8082/7.1/logout" rel="logout"/>     
    <entry_point href="http://localhost:8082/7.1/elements" rel="elements"/>     
    <entry_point href="http://localhost:8082/7.1/elements/sub_ipv6_fw_policy" rel="sub_ipv6_fw_policy"/>
The execution of GET 7.1/api with Accept: application/json returns the following:

      "href": "http://localhost:8082/7.1/logout",       
      "rel": "logout"     
      "href": "http://localhost:8082/7.1/elements",       
      "rel": "elements"     
      "href": "http://localhost:8082/7.1/elements/sub_ipv6_fw_policy",       
      "rel": "sub_ipv6_fw_policy" 