Sidewinder Proxy configuration overview

To use Sidewinder Proxy, you must enable the feature and add Access rules. You can optionally add other elements to customize how Sidewinder Proxies work.

Figure: Elements in the configuration

SSH Profile
Sidewinder Logging Profile
Service with Proxy
Access Rules
Secure SD-WAN Engine
SSH Known Host List
SSH Known Hosts

Follow these general steps to configure Sidewinder Proxies:

  1. (Optional) To customize logging options for Sidewinder Proxies, create Sidewinder Logging Profiles.
  2. Enable Sidewinder Proxy for the engine in the Engine Editor.
  3. (Optional) Create elements and configure settings for specific Sidewinder Proxies.
    1. Create SSH Profiles for Sidewinder SSH Proxy.
    2. Create SSH Known Hosts for Sidewinder SSH Proxy and group SSH Known Hosts using SSH Known Hosts Lists.
    3. Configure settings for Sidewinder SSH Proxy in the Engine Editor.
  4. (Optional) Create custom Service elements and configure Protocol Parameters for Sidewinder Proxies.
    Note: There are no configurable Protocol Parameters for the Sidewinder TCP Proxy or the Sidewinder UDP Proxy.
  5. Add Service elements to Access rules to specify which traffic uses Sidewinder Proxies.