Event Compress

Event Compress combines repeated similar events into the same log entry, reducing clutter in the Logs view.

Table 1. Event Compress parameters
Field Option (if any) Explanation
Correlated Situations   Situations you want to compress.
Time Window   All matches to the Situations selected are combined to a common log entry when they are triggered within the defined time from each other.
Log Fields Enabled Select Events triggered by the selected Situations are regarded as the same when the values those entries have in the Log Fields you place in Event Binding are identical.
Ignore Events triggered by the selected Situations are regarded as the same, except when the values those entries have in the Log Fields you place in Event Binding are identical.
Event Binding   The selected log fields are used by the matching option you selected in the previous step.
Location Very Early The execution order of the Compress operation in relation to other operations. Compress operations that share the Location are executed in parallel; each compress operation receives the same events as the other compress operations in the same Location. “Very Early” and “Early” locations can affect the operation of other Correlations.
Very Late
Compress Filter   Filters in data for the compression.