Create an Archive Log Task

You can set up an Archive Log Task to copy log data from the active storage on the Log or Management Server to some other location.

You can define where the archived data is stored, and how the source data is handled after it has been copied to the target location.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Select Configuration, then browse to Administration.
  2. Browse to Tasks.
  3. Right-click Tasks, then select New > Archive Log Task.
  4. Configure the settings.
  5. Select the server from which the logs are archived and click Add.
  6. Click OK.


The task appears under Task Definitions in the Tasks branch of the Administration tree. You can run the task either manually or according to a fixed schedule.

Archive Log Task Properties dialog box

Use this dialog box to archive log data.

Option Definition
General tab
Name Specifies the element name.
Servers Select from the available servers.
Search Enter a search parameter to locate a server. Clicking X removes the search field.
Up Navigates up one level in the navigation hierarchy. Not available at the top level of the navigation hierarchy.
  • New — Creates an element of the specified type.
  • Show Deleted Elements — Shows elements that have been moved to the Trash.
Add Adds the selected server to the Target list.
Remove Removes the selected server from Target list.
Target Shows the servers that you have selected.
Option Definition
Task tab
Target Data Select the type of log data to archive.
Time Range Specifies the time range of the log entries. You have several options to limit the time range.

For example, select Absolute Time Range in the Time Range list and define the Start and End Time.

Script to Execute After the Task

The Log Server triggers this script after completing the task. The script is located at /data/script sub-folder in the SMC installation directory.

The LOG_SCRIPT_DIR parameter defines this script directory path in the LogServerConfiguration.txt

Option Definition
Operation tab
Filter for Copying Select a filter to narrow the scope of the logs to be archived.
Select Opens the Select Element dialog box.
Source Data Deletion
Delete Source Data Deletes the archived data from the active storage.
Delete Other Data Deletes some other data from active storage while you archive data.
Select Opens the Select Element dialog box.
Archive Target Directory Select from the available directories. The directory is determined in the Log Server's configuration file.