Configuring interfaces for Engines

The interface configuration process consists of several general steps.

The configuration proceeds as follows:

  1. Add the required number of network connections:
    • Add physical interfaces.
    • (Optional, Single Engines only) Add a wireless interface for the integrated wireless router.
    • (Optional, Single Engines only) Add modem interfaces for mobile broadband modem connections.
    • (Optional, Single Engines only) Add a switch and port group interfaces for the integrated switch.
  2. (Optional, physical interfaces only) Add VLAN interfaces to physical interfaces.
  3. (Optional) Add tunnel interfaces for the route-based SD-WANs.
  4. (Not applicable to modem interfaces) Configure the IP address settings.
  5. (Optional) Add loopback IP addresses to assign IP addresses that do not belong to any directly connected networks to the engine.
  6. Select the interfaces that are used for system communications.