Defining IP Address List elements

IP Address List elements contain large lists of IP addresses, IP address ranges, or networks that can be used to filter traffic in Access rules, NAT rules, Inspection rules, and File Filtering rules.

IP Address List elements are imported and updated when you activate new dynamic update packages. You can also create your own IP Address List elements.

You can use IP Address List elements in Access rules to block the IP addresses used by specific services, such as Tor, or anonymous proxies. You can also block IP address ranges used by known botnets. If there are IP address ranges specific to your company that you want to control access to, create custom IP Address List elements.

IP Address List Properties dialog box

Use this dialog box to create and view IP Address List elements and the IP addresses that they contain.

Option Definition
Name Specifies the name of the IP Address List element.

(Optional, system elements only)

Contains a description of the element.
View IP Addresses

(System elements only)

Opens the IP Addresses dialog box where you can view the list of IP addresses that this IP Address List element contains.
IP Addresses

(Custom elements only)

Enter the IP addresses or IP address ranges that you want the IP Address List element to contain.
Version Shows the Secure SD-WAN engine software versions that are compatible with this element.
Category Shows the assigned category.


An optional comment for your own reference.