Edit or remove NAT definitions for element-based NAT

Edit outdated NAT definitions or remove unnecessary NAT definitions.

Note: You must refresh the Engine policy on the engine after you have edited the NAT definition of any element to transfer the changes.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Right-click an engine element and select Edit <element type>.
    The Engine Editor opens.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, browse to Policies > Element-based NAT
  3. Select the NAT definition and click Edit NAT Definition or Remove NAT Definition.
    • If you selected Edit NAT Definition, edit the NAT definition settings and click OK.
    • If you selected Remove NAT Definition, click Yes in the confirmation dialog box that opens.
  4. Click Save and Refresh.

Engine Editor > Policies > Element-based NAT

Use this branch to add NAT definitions for element-based NAT. The NAT definition is also added to the elements that are included in the NAT configuration.

Option Definition
Use Default NAT Address for Traffic from Internal Networks Select an option to define how the Secure SD-WAN Engine uses the default NAT address.
  • On — The Secure SD-WAN Engine always uses the default NAT address as the public IP address if there is not a more specific NAT definition that matches the traffic.
  • Off — The Secure SD-WAN Engine never uses the default NAT address as the public IP address.
  • Automatic — The Secure SD-WAN Engine automatically determines whether to use the default NAT address based on the routing configuration. If there are routes that use NetLinks, the Secure SD-WAN Engine uses the default NAT address as the public IP address if there is not a more specific NAT definition that matches the traffic.

When you select On or Automatic, a NAT rule is generated at the end of the IPv4 or IPv6 NAT rules in the policy.

Show Details Opens the Default NAT Address Properties dialog box.
Add NAT Definition Creates a NAT Definition element and opens the element properties.
Edit NAT Definition Opens the properties of an existing NAT Definition element.
Remove NAT Definition Removes the selected row from the table.

Default NAT Address Properties dialog box

Use this dialog box to view the internal networks associated with the Default NAT address.

Option Definition
Default NAT Address Used to automatically translate traffic from internal networks to the public IP address of the external interface.
Note: When several IP addresses from the same network are available, the SMC automatically selects the smallest IPv4 address as the default NAT address.
Internal Networks Shows the internal networks that are translated to the public IP address of the external interface.

NAT Definition Properties dialog box

Use this dialog box to define NAT Definition properties.

Option Definition
Translation Type Select the translation type.
  • Static — Static network address translation is used. For each original address there is a single, predefined translated address.
  • Dynamic — Dynamic network address translation is used. Dynamic NAT uses ports to track connections using the same IP address.
Private IP Address The element that represents the private IP address. Click Select to select an element.
Note: Only Host, Server, or Network elements are allowed with static NAT.
Public IP Address Select the source of the public IP address.
  • Default NAT Address — The default address is used as the public IP Address.
  • Element — Click Select to select an element that represents the IP address.
  • Interface — Select an interface.
  • IP Address — Manually enter an IP Address.
Port Filter


To limit NAT only to traffic that goes to selected destination ports, select a Service or Service Group element to act as a port filter. The Service or Service Group element includes the destination port information (a single destination port or a range of ports). Click Add to add an element to the list, or Remove to remove the selected element.


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