Preview the dynamic routing configuration in FRR syntax

To make sure the dynamic routing configuration done in the Management Client is what you intended, preview the configuration in Free Range Routing (FRR) syntax.

You can also save the configuration as a .conf file, for testing with the FRR suite.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Select Configuration.
  2. Right-click the Secure SD-WAN Engine, then select Configuration > Dynamic Routing > Dynamic Routing Configuration Preview.
    The Dynamic Routing Configuration Preview dialog box opens, and you can see the configuration in FRR syntax.
  3. (Optional) To save the configuration, click Browse, select a folder on the local workstation, then click Save.

FRR Configuration Preview dialog box

Use this dialog box to preview and save the dynamic routing configuration in Free Range Routing (FRR) format.

For information about FRR syntax, see https://⁠

Option Definition
Export File Shows where the .conf file is saved.
Browse Opens the Export File dialog box, where you can select where to save the .conf file.
Save Saves the configuration to the .conf file and closes the window.