Create User Alerts for User Alert Checks

When users exceed a threshold defined in a User Alert Check, User Alerts are generated.

In the Custom Alert, use the Situation type User Behavior Check.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Select Configuration, then browse to Administration.
  2. Right-click Alert Configurations, then select New > Custom Alert.
  3. Configure the settings, then click OK.

Custom Alert Properties dialog box

Use this dialog box to define the properties of a Custom Alert element.

Option Definition
Name The name of the element.


Specifies the alert message. The message is shown in the Logs view, Active Alerts view, and in the Dashboard view.
Situation Type Specifies the type of Situation that is associated with the Alert.


Includes the element in predefined categories. Click Select to select a category.
SNMP Trap Code Specifies the SNMP Trap Code according to how the receiving system is set up. The code is included in the SNMP messages sent.