Event Count

Event Count finds recurring patterns in traffic by counting the times certain Situations occur within the defined period, so that action can be taken if the threshold values you set are exceeded.

Table 1. Event Count parameters
Field Option (if any) Explanation
Correlated Situations   Situations you want to count.
Time Window   The period of time within which the matches to the Situation must occur the specified number of times.
Alarm Threshold   The number of times that the selected Situations must occur for the Correlation Situation to match.
Log Fields Enabled Select Events triggered by the selected Situations are regarded as the same when the values those entries have in the Log Fields you place in Event Binding are identical.
Ignore Events triggered by the selected Situations are regarded as the same, except when the values those entries have in the Log Fields you place in Event Binding are identical.
Event Binding   The selected log fields are used by the matching option you selected in the previous step.