Configure settings for the Multiping test

For the tester to run Multiping tests, configure the available settings.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. In the Retry Count field, enter the number of times the tester tries to execute the test.
    We recommend always setting the retry count to more than 1 to avoid creating overly sensitive tests that burden the system unnecessarily.
  2. In the Test Timeout field, enter the timeout value in milliseconds.
    If the test being run does not return a response in the specified time, the test is considered to have failed. Avoid timeout values that are too short.
  3. In the Source Address drop-down list, select the source address for the test:
    • DEFAULT — The source IP address is selected automatically based on the routing configuration.

      In a cluster, if the physical interface that routes the ping packet out has an NDI (Node Dedicated IP address), this address is used as the source address. Otherwise, the NDI selected as Default IP for Outgoing Traffic is used.

    • A single physical interface, a VLAN interface, a modem interface (Single Engines only), an SSID interface (Single Engines only), or a port group interface (Single Engines only). If the Node ID selection is ALL, each node uses the IP address of the selected interface as the source IP address for the test. If a single node is selected in Node ID in a cluster, the source address and the multiping test itself apply to that node only.
  4. Specify the target addresses of ICMP echo requests.
    Note: The test is considered to have failed if none of the target addresses respond.
    1. To add a row to the Target Addresses table, click Add.
    2. Enter an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Save and Refresh.

Multiping Test Properties dialog box

Use this dialog box to send out a series of ping requests to determine whether there is connectivity through a network link.

Option Definition
Name The name of the test. If you want to run more than one instance of the same test type with different parameters, give each test a unique name.

(Clusters only)

Select whether to run the test on ALL nodes or only on a specific node.
States to Test Select one or more Secure SD-WAN Engine states in which to run the test.
  • OnlineWhen selected, the test is run when the Secure SD-WAN Engine node is online.
  • Offline When selected, the test is run when the Secure SD-WAN Engine node is offline.
  • Standby(Clusters only) When selected, the test is run when the Secure SD-WAN Engine node is in the Standby state.
Test Interval Specify how frequently the test is run. The minimum interval is one second and the maximum is 86400 (one day). We recommend a minimum interval of four seconds. Running a test too frequently can increase overhead.
Retry Count Enter the number of times the tester tries to execute the test. We recommend always setting the retry count to more than 1 to avoid creating overly sensitive tests that burden the system unnecessarily.
Test Timeout Enter the timeout in milliseconds. If the test being run does not return a response in the specified time, the test has failed. Avoid overly short timeout values. We recommend a timeout of 500–1000 ms, depending on the test.
Source Address Select the source address for the test.
  • DEFAULT — No source address is forced on the test. The source IP address is selected automatically based on the standard routing rules. In a cluster, if the Physical Interface that routes the ping packet out has an NDI (Node Dedicated IP Address), this address is used as the source address. Otherwise, the NDI selected as Default IP for Outgoing Traffic is used.
  • A single Physical Interface, a VLAN Interface, a Modem Interface (Single Engines only), an ADSL Interface (Single Engines only), or an SSID Interface (Single Engines only). If the Node ID selection is ALL, each node uses the IP address of the selected interface as the source IP address for the test. If a single node is selected in Node ID in a cluster, the source address and the test itself apply to that node only.
Target Addresses Specify the target addresses of ICMP echo requests. Click Add to add an element to the list, or Remove to remove the selected element.
Failure section
Action Select the action taken if a test fails.
  • NoneNo action is taken.
  • Offline(Clusters only) The Secure SD-WAN Engine node goes offline, unless it is the last active node in a cluster or the node is in the Locked Online state.
  • Force Offline The Secure SD-WAN Engine node goes offline, even if it is the last node active node in a cluster or the node is in the Locked Online state. Use in cases in which a complete cut in traffic is a better option than a partially working Secure SD-WAN Engine.
  • Force Speed (Inline Pair Link Speed test only) — If the test finds that the pair of inline ports has different speed/duplex settings, the speed/duplex on the higher speed/full duplex link is set to match the lower speed/half duplex setting on the other port. Correct and reliable operation requires identical settings.
Send Alert When selected, sends an alert to notify administrators that a test has failed.
Send SNMP Trap When selected, sends an SNMP Trap.