Create Backup Tasks

Create a Task for backing up servers.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Select Configuration, then browse to Administration.
  2. Right-click Tasks, then select New > Backup Task.
  3. Configure the settings, then click OK.

Backup Task Properties dialog box

Use this dialog box to create backup files for the selected Management Servers and Log Servers.

Option Definition
Name The name of the element.


A comment for your own reference.
Servers Shows the servers that you can back up.
Target Shows the servers that you have selected. Click Add to add an element to the list, or Remove to remove the selected element.
Backup Comment An optional comment for your own reference.
Encrypted When selected, the backup is encrypted.
Password Specifies the password.
Confirm Password Confirms that password.
Back up Log Files

(If a Log Server is selected)

When selected, the log files are also backed up.
Destination Path Select where to store the backup file:
  • Server — The path on the server where the backup will be stored. You can use a network drive directly as a backup storage by mounting it to a directory on the server.
  • Local Workstation — If the Local Workstation is on a standalone client, the backup is stored in a .zip folder on your Local Workstation. Click Browse to select where to save the file.

    If using SMC Web Access, download and save the backup file.

Script to Execute After the Task

The Log Server triggers this script after completing the task. The script is located at /data/script sub-folder in the SMC installation directory.

The LOG_SCRIPT_DIR parameter defines this script directory path in the LogServerConfiguration.txt.