Management Server

The Management Server is the central component for system administration. One Management Server can manage many different types of engines.

The Management Server provides the following types of services:

  • Administration and system commands: The Management Server is the central point of all administration tasks (accessed through the Management Client).
  • Configuration database: The Management Server stores all configuration information for Engine/VPN, IPS, and Layer 2 engines and other system components.
  • Monitoring: The Management Server tracks the operating state of the system components and relays this information to the administrators.
  • Alert notifications: The Management Server can notify administrators about new alerts in the system, for example, by sending out an email or an SMS text message.
  • Certificate authorities (CAs): The Management Server installation includes two basic CAs:
    • An Internal CA that issues all certificates that system components need for system communications.
    • VPN CA that can be used to issue certificates for VPN authentication.