System administration elements

You can view the types of elements used for system administration and their descriptions.

Table 1. Types of elements for system administration
Element Type Explanation
Access Rights Access Control Lists Sets of elements that you can grant to one or more administrator accounts when assigning administrator rights.
Administrator Roles Sets of actions that administrators are allowed to carry out both globally and specifically on some set of elements.
Administrators SMC administrator accounts.
API Clients Accounts for the users of the SMC Application Programming Interface (API).
Web Portal Users User accounts for the Web Portal.
Alert Configuration Alert Chains Lists of administrators and contact methods for escalating Alerts.
Alert Policies Rules for choosing which Alerts are escalated using which Alert Chain.
Alert Senders System components that can send Alerts.
Alerts Labels for Alerts that help in separating different Alerts from each other in Alert escalation.
Policy Snapshots Saved versions of the alert configuration. Created each time you install or refresh the Alert Policy on a Domain.
Bookmarks User-created shortcuts to views in the Management Client.
Certificates Certificate Authorities Client Protection Certificate Authorities Certificates that are used in TLS inspection for client protection.
ECA Evaluation Certificate Authorities Certificates that are used in communications with ECA servers for evaluation of ECA.
Internal Certificate Authorities Certificates that are used in communications between the system components.
Trusted Certificate Authorities Certificates that identify certificate authorities that are trusted by the SMC and Secure SD-WAN Engines.
Trusted Update Certificates Certificates that are used to verify the digital signatures of dynamic update packages and engine upgrades. A new Trusted Update Certificate is automatically added through a dynamic update package before the old one expires.
Internal Certificates Certificates that are used in communications between the system components.
TLS Credentials Represent both certificate requests and signed certificates in the Management Client. When a certificate request has been signed, the TLS Credentials element represents a certificate. TLS Credentials elements that represent signed certificates can be used in the properties of several types of elements to secure connections involving those elements.
Other Elements TLS Cryptography Suite Sets Define which cryptographic algorithms are allowed for encrypting TLS traffic.
TLS Profiles Define the settings for cryptography, trusted certificate authorities, and the TLS version used in TLS-protected traffic.
Engine Upgrades Packages for remote upgrades that have been manually or automatically imported into the system.
Licenses The components’ licenses (proof of purchase).
Tasks Definition System maintenance Tasks and Task definitions.
History History of running and executed Tasks both started by users and generated by the system.
Trash Stores elements that you have deleted. You can permanently delete elements that have been moved to the Trash.
Updates Dynamic update packages that update definitions in your installation. Most of the content is Situations (used in deep packet inspection).
Other Elements Backups Management Server and Log Server backups.
Categories Allow filtering the view in the Management Client to a subset of elements.
Domains Create boundaries for managing elements and configurations based on administrator configurations.
Geolocations Used for illustrating the geographical location of IP addresses (for example, in logs and diagrams).
Locations Used for defining contact addresses when NAT (IP address translation) is applied to communications between system components.
Tools Profiles Additional, user-configured commands and tools for components.
Web Portal Localizations Used for translating the Web Portal between languages.