System Aliases

System Aliases are automatically created non-editable Aliases.

The System Aliases are preceded with two $$ characters. The following table lists the definitions of all System Aliases. These Aliases are used in the Engine’s default policies.

Table 1. System Aliases
System Alias Description
$$ DHCP Enabled Interface Addresses IP addresses (of CVIs on clusters) which have DHCP relay enabled.
$$ DHCP Enabled interface addresses for Mobile VPN clients IP addresses (of NDIs on clusters) which have DHCP relay enabled for mobile VPN clients.
$$ DHCP Interface X.dns IP address of the DHCP-assigned DNS server for the interface with DHCP index number X.
$$ DHCP Interface X.gateways IP address of the DHCP-assigned default router for the interface with DHCP index number X.
$$ DHCP Interface X.ip DHCP-assigned IP address for the interface with DHCP index number X.
$$ DHCP Interface Directly connected network behind the interface with DHCP index number X.
$$ Interface ID X.ip First IP address (CVI) of Physical Interface ID X.
$$ Interface ID Directly connected networks behind Physical Interface ID X.
$$ Local Cluster All addresses of the cluster.
$$ Local Cluster (CVI addresses only) All CVI addresses of the cluster.
$$ Local Cluster (DHCP Interface Addresses) All DHCP-assigned IP addresses of the engine.
$$ Local Cluster (NDI addresses only) All NDI addresses of all nodes in the cluster.
$$ Local Cluster (NDI for heartbeat addresses only) Heartbeat NDI addresses of all nodes in the cluster.
$$ Local Cluster (NDI for management addresses only) Management NDI addresses of all nodes in the cluster.
$$ Log Servers IP addresses of all Log Servers.
$$ Management Servers IP addresses of all Management Servers.
$$ Valid DHCP Address Pools for Mobile VPN clients Address pools defined for assigning virtual IP addresses to mobile VPN clients.
$$ Valid DHCP Servers All DHCP servers defined for the Engine.
$$ Valid DHCP Servers for Mobile VPN clients The DHCP servers defined for assigning virtual IP addresses to mobile VPN clients.