Defining Address Range elements

An Address Range element can specify any continuous range of IP addresses.

On the Address Range element’s NAT tab, you can view or edit the NAT definitions for the NAT configuration in which the element is included. However, you primarily configure NAT definitions in the properties of a Engine.

Address Range Properties dialog box

Use this dialog box to configure address ranges. An Address Range element can specify any continuous range of IP addresses.

Option Definition
General tab
Name Specifies the element name.
IP Range Specifies 2 IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.

Enter the same type of addresses in both fields. The start of the range must be a lower address than the end of the range.

Category Shows the assigned category.
Select Opens the Category Selection dialog box.
Comment An optional comment for your own reference.
Option Definition
NAT tab
Engine Shows the selected Engine.
NAT Type Shows the NAT translation type: Static or Dynamic.
Private IP Address Shows the Private IP Address.
Public IP Address Shows the defined Public IP Address.
Port Filter Shows the selected Port Filters.
Comment An optional comment for your own reference.
Add NAT Definition Opens the NAT Definition Properties dialog box.
Edit NAT Definition Opens the NAT Definition Properties dialog box for the selected definition.
Remove NAT Definition Removes the NAT definition from the engine properties.