Log off from all Domains

If you have permissions in more than one Domain, you can log off from all Domains through the Domain Overview.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Select Menu > File > New Tab, then select Domain Overview.
  2. Select File > Log out from All.

Domain Overview window

Use this window to view the status of administrative Domains and elements that belong to the Domains.

Option Definition
  • Log out from All — Logs off from all administrative Domains.
  • SMC HA Administration — Opens the SMC HA Administration dialog box.
  • Close Window — Closes the Domain Overview.
  • Reconnect — Reconnects to a previously configured Management Server.
  • Exit — Closes the Management Client.
Domains list Options for logging on to Domains are available for managing elements that belong to the Domain when you select a Domain and right-click. You can be logged on to more than one Domain at the same time.
Note: In a HA environment with multiple Management Servers, when you log on to a Domain from the Domain Overview, the Domain is by default opened on the active Management Server.
  • Log On — When clicked, logs on to the Domain and opens the Domain on the Management Server that is used to control the SMC. In a HA environment, this is the active Management Server.
  • (Only in HA environments with multiple Management Servers) Log in (read only) <Domain name> — Logs on to the Domain and opens the Domain on the standby Management Server to which the administrator is logged on.