Generate reports

After you have created your Report Design, you can set the time period that you want details about, then generate your report.

Note: When you generate a report, all filters defined in the report task properties, in the Report Design, Report Sections, and individual Report Items are used to filter the data. If the filters do not match any data, empty Report Sections might be generated in the report.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Select Configuration, then browse to Monitoring.
  2. Browse to Reports > Design.
  3. Right-click a Report Design, then select Start.
  4. Select options to define how to generate the report.
  5. Click OK.

Report Operation Properties dialog box

Use this dialog box to generate or schedule reports.

Option Definition
General tab
Period Beginning Specifies the start time of the report.

Enter the date as indicated, and enter the time using the 24-hour clock in the time of the workstation you are using to run the Management Client.

Period End Specifies the end time of the report.

Enter the date as indicated, and enter the time using the 24-hour clock in the time of the workstation you are using to run the Management Client.

Current Time Sets the end period to the current date and time.
Start Earliest


Enter the delay in minutes after the end date and time.
1 Day Period, 1 Week Period, 1 Month Period When selected, the Period Beginning and Period End dates are set according to the period defined in the report design. Selecting this option enables the arrow buttons next to the option.
Previous Period

Sets the start date one period earlier.

The time increment depends on the period defined in the report design. For example:

  • 1 day — The start date is one day earlier.
  • 1 week — The start date is one week earlier.
  • 1 month — The start date is one month earlier.
Previous Step Sets the start time one day earlier.
Next Step Sets the start time one day later.
Next Period

Sets the start date one period later.

The time increment depends on the period defined in the report design. For example:

  • 1 day — The start date is one day later.
  • 1 week — The start date is one week later.
  • 1 month — The start date is one month later.


Shows the selected filter. Click Select to select a filter.
Report over All Domains

(Shared Domain only)

Includes information about all Domains
Option Definition
Task tab
Repeat Select how often you want to repeat the report generation.
  • None — Report generation is not repeated.
  • Every Day — Report generation is repeated every day.
Category for Report Shows the assigned category. Click Select to select a category.
Store Report Allows you to view the report before deciding if you want to process it further.
Text Report The report is stored as a text file on the Management Server, in the <installation directory> /data/reports/files/<Report Design name>/ directory.

The report is named according to the time range chosen.

PDF Export The report is stored as a PDF file on the Management Server in the <installation directory> /data/reports/files/<Report Design name>/ directory.
One Report per Sender When selected, one report is generated for each Secure SD-WAN Engine that is detected as a sender of log data when the report is generated.
HTML Export The report is stored as an HTML file on the Management Server (same directory as above).
Post Process The report is generated according to options chosen and then a script is launched, by default SgPostProcessReport.bat located on the Management Server in the <installation directory> /data/reports/bin directory.
E-mail Address The email addresses to which the generated report is sent.

To add several addresses, separate the addresses with a comma.

Page Setup section
Style Template

(PDF exports only)

Specifies the standard PDF file template.
Paper Size

(PDF exports only)

Specifies the paper size.

(PDF exports only)

Specifies the paper orientation.
  • Portrait
  • Landscape
Option Definition
Storage tab
Storage Type selection Select the data storage type.
  • Default — The Management Servers and Log Servers are used as the data sources.
  • Primary Archive — Archived data is used as the data source.
  • Custom — A combination of archived data and data provided by the Management and Log Servers is used as the data source.
Data Source table Select the Management Servers and Log Servers from which you want to include data in the report.