Select system communication roles for Master Engine interfaces

Select which Master Engine interfaces are used for particular roles in system communications.

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  1. Right-click an Secure SD-WAN Engine, then select Edit <element type>.
  2. Browse to Interfaces > Interface Options.
  3. In the Interface Options pane:
    1. From the Primary control IP address drop-down list, select the primary control IP address that the Master Engine uses for communications with the Management Server.
      Note: We recommend that you do not use the IP address of an Aggregated Link interface as the primary or secondary control IP address of the Engine.
    2. (Optional, recommended) From the Backup control IP address drop-down list, select a backup control IP address that the Master Engine uses for communications with the Management Server if the primary control IP address fails.
    3. (Optional, Engine/VPN role only) If the Master Engine is behind a device that applies dynamic NAT to outbound connections or in some other way blocks incoming connections, select Node-Initiated contact to Management Server.
      When this option is selected, the engine opens a connection to the Management Server and maintains connectivity.
    4. (Master Engine Cluster Only) From the Primary heartbeat drop-down list, select the primary interface for communications between the nodes.
      We recommend using a physical interface, not a VLAN interface. We strongly recommend that you do not direct any other traffic through this interface. A dedicated network helps guarantee reliable and secure operation.
      Primary and backup heartbeat networks exchange confidential information. If dedicated networks are not possible, configure the cluster to encrypt the exchanged information.
    5. (Master Engine Cluster Only) From the Backup heartbeat drop-down list, select the backup heartbeat interface that is used if the primary heartbeat interface is unavailable.
      It is not mandatory to configure a backup heartbeat interface, but we strongly recommend it. If heartbeat traffic is not delivered, the cluster cannot operate and traffic is disturbed. We strongly recommend that you use a dedicated interface for the backup heartbeat as well.
    6. In the Default IP Address for Outgoing Traffic field, select the IP address that the nodes use if they have to initiate connections through an interface that has no Node Dedicated IP address.
  4. Click Save and Refresh.

Next steps

Bind licenses to Master Engine elements.