Use a script for SMS notification

You can use a script to send alert notification SMS messages through a third-party tool that forwards the SMS messages to the administrators.

Before you begin

If there is a Engine or a Layer 2 Engine between the Management Server and the host on which the tool for forwarding the SMS messages is installed, you must allow the traffic from the Management Server to the host. Do this in the Engine or Layer 2 Engine Policy. You must install the tool that forwards the SMS messages from the Management Server.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Install a third-party tool (for example, gnokii) to forward SMS messages and the drivers for the tool on the host.
    See the tool-specific instructions for information about configuring the tool.
  2. In the Management Client, select Dashboard > Servers / Devices.
  3. Browse to Management Server.
  4. Right-click the Management Server, select Properties, then click the Notifications tab.
  5. Select Add > Script.
  6. Define the following script properties:
    • Name — The file name of the script.
    • Script Path — The full path to the script that sends the SMS, or the relative path from the execution directory.
    • Execution Path — The directory in which the script is executed. The execution log is stored in this directory.
  7. (Optional) Click Test if you want to test that the SMS messages are sent correctly.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click OK in the Management Server properties to save the changes to the notifications.