Create .csv or .tsv files for importing elements

You can create .csv (comma-separated value) files or .tsv (tab-separated value) files for importing elements.

In a .csv file, commas separate all values. In a .tsv file, a tab character separates all values.

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  1. Create a new .csv or .tsv file. (For example, you can use a spreadsheet application.)
  2. In the first row of the file, specify the header as follows:
    • .csv files — Enter ip,name,comment.
    • .tsv files — Enter ip<tab>name<tab>comment.
    For example:
    • .csv:
      •,host-,Host abc
      •,net-,Net xyz
    • .tsv:
      •<tab>host-<tab>Host abc
      •<tab>net-<tab>Net xyz
    Note: Only the IP address is mandatory in the header row. All data entered in the file must follow the format of the header row.
  3. Enter the IP address of the element and optionally a name and a comment on the row below the header. Use the same format as in the header.
    Note: Only the IP address is mandatory. If you have other parameters in the header row, enter a separator (a comma or tab) even if you do not enter a name or comment in the row.

    Example: If the header row is ip,name,comment and you want to omit the name and the comment in the .csv file, enter,,.

    Example: If the header row is ip<tab>name<tab>comment and you want to omit the name and the comment in the .tsv file, enter<tab><tab>.

    If you omit the name, the SMC automatically generates a name for the element based on its IP address. The SMC detects the element type based on the syntax of the IP address as follows:
    • — Specifies a Host element.
    • — Specifies a Network element.
    •– — Specifies an Address Range element.
  4. (Optional) For each element, add another row to the file.
  5. Save the file.