Changing license binding details

You must manually update license binding details for licenses that are bound to IP addresses or POL codes.

Licenses that are bound to an IP address must be changed if the IP address of the component changes.

Note: Only licenses for SMC servers can be bound to an IP address. If you have IP-address-bound licenses for Secure SD-WAN Engine components, you must change the license to a Management Server POL-bound license if you change the Secure SD-WAN Engine’s control IP address.
You can optionally replace IP-address-bound licenses for SMC servers with UIID-bound licenses.
Note: Only licenses for SMC servers can be bound to the UIID for the SMC.

Licenses that are bound to the POL code of the Management Server must be changed if:

  • You want to transfer the licenses to a different Management Server.
  • You replace the Management Server’s license with a license that has a different POL code.

Secure SD-WAN appliances use POS-based licenses. The licenses are bound to the serial number of the appliance hardware and are automatically bound to the correct element.

You must change IP address binding and POL-based binding manually. To view, change, and download your current licenses at https://⁠, log on with your personal account (for all licenses that your account is authorized to view). Alternatively, you can enter a POL or POS code (to view information related to a particular license).

Note: If automatic license updates have been enabled in the Management Server properties, changed licenses are automatically downloaded and bound to the correct element as long as the license’s identification code remains the same.