Connectivity status colors

Element diagrams and the Connectivity tab in the Info pane show the status of the connectivity between elements.

See the tooltip for the status color for more details.

Table 1. Connectivity status
Color Status Explanation
Green OK The connection is active (there have been communications within the last 2 minutes) and no problems have been reported.
Red Error The Management Server received a report that connection attempts have failed.
Cyan Idle Connection between components is still open but there is a pause in communications.
Yellow Warning There are problems with heartbeat or state synchronization between nodes in a Engine Cluster. Only one of the interfaces used for heartbeat or state synchronization functions properly. This warning does not affect how the cluster functions.
Blue Closed The connection was closed by one of the components.
Gray Timeout, Unknown The Management Server does not know the status of the connection. The connection might or might not be working.