Validate rules automatically

You can automatically validate the rules in a policy at any time.

You can also validate the policy when you install or refresh the policy on an engine. In both cases, you can also select which issues are checked in the policy.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Start the policy validation in one of the following ways:
    • If the policy is open in the Policy Editing view, select Tools > Validate.
    • If you are installing or refreshing a policy and the Task Properties dialog box is open, make sure that the Validate Policy before Upload option is selected, then click Select Settings.
  2. (Optional, available in the Policy Editing view) Select the Target engine on which you want to install the policy to get more accurate results.
    • The Target engine selection is used to resolve Alias elements when a policy is validated.
    • If no Target engine is selected, all issues related to the engine configuration cannot be checked (for example, parts of the SD-WAN configuration).
  3. (Optional) Edit the Validation Settings (the types of issues that are checked).
  4. (Optional) Click Save as Default if you want to save the selected settings as the default set for future policy validations.
  5. Click OK.
    Tip: Any issues that are found are displayed in the Issues pane.