Allow access to services using the SSL VPN Portal

The SSL VPN Portal Policy defines which services are available in the SSL VPN Portal and which users can access the services.

Before you begin

You must have one or more SSL VPN Portal Service elements.

The SSL VPN Portal Policy contains rules that define which users can use each SSL VPN Portal Service, and the authentication requirements for accessing the SSL VPN Portal Services.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Select Configuration, then browse to Secure SD-WAN.
  2. Create an SSL VPN Portal Policy.
    1. Expand the SSL VPN Portal branch.
    2. Right-click SSL VPN Portal Policies and select New SSL VPN Portal Policy.
    3. Configure the settings, then click OK.
    The SSL VPN Portal Policy opens for editing in a new tab.
  3. Add rules in one of the following ways:
    • Right-click the last row of an empty policy and select Add Rule.
    • Right-click the ID cell of an existing rule and select Add Rule Before or Add Rule After.
  4. Drag and drop one or more SSL VPN Portal Service elements from the Resources pane to the SSL VPN Portal Service cell.
  5. Drag and drop one or more User or User Group elements from the Resources pane to the Authentication cell.
  6. Save the SSL VPN Portal Policy.

Next steps

You are now ready to select the SSL VPN Portal Policy for an SSL VPN Portal element.

SSL VPN Portal Policy Properties dialog box

Use this dialog box to define the properties of an SSL VPN Portal Policy element.

Option Definition
General tab
Name Specifies a unique name for the element.
Category Shows the assigned category. Click Select to include the element in predefined categories.
Comment Adds a comment to the element.
Option Definition
Permissions tab
Access Control Lists Specifies administrator permissions for the policy.
Add Opens the Select Element dialog box.
Remove Removes the policy from the selected Access Control List.
Administrator Shows the administrator who is allowed to view or edit the policy.
Administrator Role Shows the role or roles assigned to the selected administrator.
Add Permission Adds an entry to the Administrator list.
Remove Permission Removes the selected entry from the Administrator list.

SSL VPN Portal Policy editing view

Use this view to define which services are available in the SSL VPN Portal and which users can access the services.

Option Definition
Resources Use this pane to create and add elements to a policy.
Search Opens a search field for the selected element list.
Up Returns to the previous folder.
New Opens the associated dialog box to create an element.
Tools Show Deleted Elements — Shows elements that have been moved to the Trash.
Option Definition
Policy Toolbar
Save Saves the changes.
Undo operation Undoes the last change made.
Redo operation Redoes the last change that was undone.
Validate Finds rules that are clearly incorrect.
Expand Rule Sections If you have added Rule Sections, they are all expanded.
Collapse Rule Sections If you have added Rule Sections, and they are expanded, they are all collapsed.
Option Definition
SSL VPN Portal rules table

(Not editable)

Automatically assigned ID number that indicates the order of the rules in the policy. The rules are matched against traffic in the order of the ID numbers.
Right-clicking on this type of cell opens these menu items:
  • Properties — Opens the element Rule Properties dialog box.
  • Cut Rule — Copies the rule to the clipboard and deletes the rule from the policy.
  • Copy Rule — Copies the rule from the policy.
  • Paste — Pastes the rule into the policy.
  • Delete Rule — Deletes the rule from the policy.
  • Disable Rule — Temporarily disables rule without deleting.
  • Add Rule Before — Adds the new rule before the selected rule or section.
  • Add Rule After — Adds the new rule after the selected rule or section.
  • Add Rule Section Before — Creates a collapsible section before the selected rule or section.
  • Add Rule Section After — Creates a collapsible section after the selected rule or section.
  • Move Rule Up — Moves the rule position up on the list.
  • Move Rule Down — Moves the rule position down on the list.
SSL VPN Portal Service The SSL VPN Portal Service elements that the rule matches.
Authentication The users who are allowed to access one or more SSL VPN Portal service elements.
Comment Your optional free-form comment for this rule. You can also add separate comment rows in between rules.
Right-clicking on this type of cell opens these menu items:
  • Edit Comment — Opens the Rule Comment Definitions dialog box.
  • Clear Cell — Removes the content of the cell.
  • Rule — Opens a menu of list items that are the same for the ID cell.
Rule Name Contains a rule tag and optionally a rule name.
  • Name (Optional) — Name or description for the rule. Displayed alongside the rule tag.
  • Tag (Not editable) — Automatically assigned unique identification for the rule. Works as a link between the log entries and the rule that has generated the log entries. The rule tag consists of two parts (for example, @20.1). The first part of the tag is permanent and belongs to only that rule. The second part changes when the rule is changed. The first part and the second part are separated by a period.
Right-clicking on this type of cell opens these menu items:
  • Edit Rule Name — Opens the Rule Name Definitions dialog box.
  • Clear Cell — Removes the content of the cell.
  • Remaining list items are the same as for the ID cell.
Option Definition
Info pane Use this pane to view more information about the selected rule.
General tab
  • Name — The name of the rule.
  • Rule Tag — The rule's tag.
  • Comment — Comment in the rule.
Rule Info tab The rule cells and their values.
History tab
  • Creator — Shows the administrator who created the rule.
  • Created — Shows the time when the rule was created.
  • Modifier — Shows the administrator who modified the rule.
  • Modified — Shows the time when the rule was modified.
  • Audit History — Opens the Logs view and displays the audit log data for traffic that matches the rule.