Install the SMC Appliance

Use these high-level steps to install the SMC Appliance.

For detailed information about installing the SMC Appliance and the Secure SD-WAN Engines, see the Forcepoint FlexEdge Secure SD-WAN Installation Guide. All guides are available for download at


  1. Turn on the SMC Appliance.
  2. Select the keyboard layout for accessing the SMC Appliance on the command line.
  3. Accept the EULA.
  4. Enter the account name and password.
    For credential requirements, see the Forcepoint FlexEdge Secure SD-WAN Installation Guide.
  5. Make your security selections.
  6. Complete the network interface and network setup fields.
  7. Enter a host name for the Management Server and set DNS servers.
  8. Select the time zone.
  9. (Optional) Configure NTP settings.
  10. After the SMC Appliance has restarted, install the Management Client.
    As an alternative to installing the Management Client locally, you can use SMC Web Access to start and run the Management Client in a web browser. SMC Web Access is enabled by default for new installations of the SMC Appliance.
  11. Import the licenses for all components.
    You can generate licenses at https://⁠
  12. Create the Secure SD-WAN Engine elements, then install and configure the Secure SD-WAN Engines.