Filtering searches by group type

It is possible to filter searches by group type.

These search context groups are currently available:
  • Network_elements — Search for all Network elements. Network elements are used in the Source/Destination cells in the Policy Editing view.
  • Services — Search for all services. Services are used in the Service cell in the Policy Editing view.
  • Services_and_applications — Search for all Services and Applications. Services and Applications are used in the Service cell in the Policy Editing view.
  • Tags — Search for all tags. Tags are used in the Policy Editing view for Inspection rules.
  • Situations — Search for all Situations. Situations are used in the Policy Editing view for Inspection rules.

For example, the REST call could have the following content:


In this example, ElementTypeOrSearchContextGroup can be either the type of the element, like host/address_range/…, or network_elements/services/ services_and_applications/tags/ situations. Lists of element types are also supported. For example, “host, router, network” can be used to filter the types to host, router, or network elements.