New features

This release of the product includes this new feature. For more information, see the Forcepoint ONE SSE Admin Guide.

ID Description
BG-19408 Agent-ZTNA - Forcepoint ONE SSE now supports new action Direct App Access while configuring policy for agent based ZTNA application. When Admin configures policy action to Direct App Access, then users can access the ZTNA application directly after authentication when they are on internal network.
Note: To access the ZTNA application directly, the user's machine should have SmartEdge Agent 1.7.0 or newer version installed and OS should be Windows 10 or newer version.
BG-19642 RBI Auto-Redirect - Forcepoint ONE SSE now provides admins the Auto-Redirect option under Isolation Behavior section while configuring RBI profiles. When users match a policy for the RBI profile with the Auto-Redirect option enabled, then they are automatically redirected to isolated session without an intermediate consent page.

ThreatSeeker URL Categories - Customers can now use the Threatseeker URL categories to setup SWG policies in Forcepoint ONE SSE when enabled. When enabled, URL Categories are displayed instead of Web Browsing Categories in Policies page, Web and Web DLP logs, and SWG Web Browsing dashboard.

This feature is useful for customers migrating from Cloud-Web to Forcepoint ONE SSE.

Note: For existing customers, Threatseeker URL Categories are not enabled by default. Customers who would like to use Threatseeker URL categories in SWG policies should contact Forcepoint Technical Support to get it enabled for their tenant.
BG-21235 Agentless ZTNA - Customers can now configure and access agentless ZTNA applications requiring access to multiple ports.
BG-21959 Insights Application - Forcepoint ONE SSE now provides Insights application as a pre-configured managed application. You can access Insights only from the waffle switcher of Forcepoint ONE SSE.
BG-22669 HTTP Request Headers - HTTP Request Headers now supports macros along with the fixed values in Add/Replace actions for managed applications and SWG (SmartEdge Agent or Cloud SWG).
Note: The header insertion is supported from SmartEdge agent 1.7.0 onwards on Windows and from SmartEdge agent 1.5.0 onwards on macOS devices.

Forcepoint ONE SSE Top Navigation Redesign – The top navigation of Forcepoint ONE SSE has been redesigned with the new user experience (UX) and with the updated Forcepoint color palette. Following are the top level changes:

  • Hamburger icon that is responsible for collapsing and expanding the side navigation pane has been replaced with 9 Circle Waffle icon. By using the 9 Circle Waffle icon, you can access other Forcepoint ONE products that you have access to.
  • Logged in username in the right on the top banner has been changed to an avatar with initials of first and last name of the user.
  • A new Bell Icon has been added that lists total alerts. Clicking on bell, takes you to Analyze > Alerts page.
  • The question mark icon on the top navigation has been removed and those options have been moved under a new section Support in the left navigation.
BG-23048 Custom Category Object Import - Forcepoint ONE SSE now provides admins the ability to import custom categories via csv file into Forcepoint ONE SSE. This feature is useful for customers migrating from Cloud-Web to Forcepoint ONE SSE.
BG-23338 SWG Connection Policy Import - Forcepoint ONE SSE now provides admins the ability to import SWG Connection policies via csv file into Forcepoint ONE SSE. This feature is useful for customers migrating from Cloud-Web to Forcepoint ONE SSE.