Endpoint PAC Control

By default, Neo and Proxy Connect endpoint clients retrieve the cloud service PAC file and use it to determine which websites should be accessed through the cloud proxy, and which port to use for web browsing.

Use the settings in the Endpoint PAC Control section to determine which PAC file URL Endpoint should access for users in this policy.

The options are:

  • Use default PAC file URL...: retrieves the PAC file over port 8082 (or 8087 for HTTPS). Web browsing is performed via port 8081.
  • Use alternate PAC file URL...: retrieves the PAC file over port 80 (or port 443 for HTTPS). Web browsing is also performed via ports 80 or 443. Use this option for locations where ports 8081 and 8082/8087 are locked down.

For more information on the default and alternate PAC file URLs, see Proxy auto-configuration (PAC).

Select Retrieve PAC file over HTTPS to download PAC files over a secure (HTTPS) connection. For more information on this setting, see Accessing PAC files over HTTPS.

Note: These settings only apply to the Proxy Connect endpoint. The Retrieve PAC file over HTTPS option requires build 2826 or later. Earlier versions of the Proxy Connect endpoint will always download the PAC file over HTTP, and are not affected by this setting. Ensure that your Endpoint clients have connectivity to a Forcepoint point of presence (data center or local PoP) on TCP ports 8087 or 443, as appropriate, before enabling this option.