On the client (Directory Synchronization only)


  1. Download the Directory Synchronization Client (see Client tasks (Directory Synchronization only) and install it on a network client machine. Download the client administrator’s guide as well. This contains valuable information on helping you integrate your directory service with the cloud service.
  2. Configure the client. Use the username and password established in the Contacts section of the portal to authenticate.
  3. Test the Directory Synchronization Client to make sure it is returning the correct data from the LDAP server to the client. If you are an existing customer switching to directory synchronization for the first time, you should compare the data with that which already exists in the cloud.
  4. Initiate a synchronization. The service updates its groups and users, including policy assignment where appropriate.
    If a synchronization is unsuccessful, you can use the Restore feature to restore the directory information to a previous version. (See Restore directories for more information.)
  5. Schedule automatic synchronization. You can update the cloud service several times a day if required.

Next steps

Refer to the Directory Synchronization Client Administrator’s Guide for instructions on items 2-5.