To quarantine attachments


  1. On the Content Filter tab, click the link Quarantine messages containing files with these types.

    The page displays the file formats and types currently being quarantined.

  2. Click Edit.
  3. Check the boxes for file formats you wish to quarantine.
  4. To select particular file types within a file format, click the + icon to expand the format.
    If you have selected the file format, all of the subsidiary file types are also selected. You can select or clear as many file type options as you wish. The information next to each file format tells you how many are currently selected from that format.
  5. Click Submit.

Next steps

Inverting the quarantine action

Inverting the quarantine action enables you to specify that all file types except those selected are quarantined. If you want to do this, select that do not match the selected file types from the drop-down list.