Configuration audit trail

Use the Account > Settings > Audit Trail page to find information about administrator actions and configuration changes.

To run the default search, which shows results for all users, actions, descriptions, and SQL queries that have occurred so far today, click View Results without making any changes on the page.

To perform a more targeted search, use the fields and selectors on the screen to specify the type or range of data that you want to see. You can enter:

  • All or part of an administrative User name, or * (default) to specify any user
  • An Action type, like “Login” or “Delete,” or All (default) to specify all actions
  • All or part of a Description of the action that occurred, like an IP address or policy number, or * (default) to specify any description text
  • All or part of the specific SQL query used to perform the action, or * (default) to specify any SQL query
  • A Date range (today’s date, by default) for the query

By default, when you enter a string in any field, the search looks for an exact match. To configure the search to look for any string that contains the value you specify, precede your entry with an asterisk (*) character (for example, *DELETE or *admin).

When you click View Results, any audit trail information that matches your search parameters is displayed in a table. All results include the date and time that the action occurred, a description of the action, the action type, and the user who performed the action. If the action resulted in a change to the configuration database, the SQL query used to make the change is also displayed.

Paging controls are displayed just above the results table. Use the controls to configure how many results to display on the page, and to move through the results.

Click the back arrow above the table to return to the Audit Trail page where you can enter new search parameters.

Click Export to CSV on either the Audit Trail page or the Search Results page to export the results of your audit trail search to a file named audit_trail.csv. You can open the file, save the file with the default name, or save the file with a new name.