New Web customers (SCIM)

For new web and/or email customers using System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM), see the following when synchronizing users/groups with Web policies and exceptions.


  1. Plan the cloud data structure: users and groups (See Groups), policies (See Defining Web Policies) and exceptions. (See Exceptions).
  2. In the cloud manager, configure SCIM. (See Synchronizing with SCIM).
  3. In the identity provider, provision a new application. It is assumed that the SCIM identity provider is already populated with users and groups.
  4. Synchronize user and group information from the identity provides. (See Configure identity management).
  5. If you have more than one Web policy, go to each policy and assign groups to it (See Assign a group to a different policy).
  6. Log onto the cloud manager. Using Account > End Users and Account > Groups, check that users’ and groups’ policies are as expected. (See View and manage user data).
  7. If you are planning to set up exceptions based on group membership, do this now in the cloud manager. (See Exceptions).
  8. On the Account > Audit Trail page, confirm that the correct actions have been taken. (See SCIM audit trail).