Adding and editing scheduled jobs

You can run reports as they are needed, or you can use the Scheduler > Add Job page to create jobs that define a schedule for running one or more reports. Once a job has been created, you can use the Scheduler > Edit Job page to change the job details, for example editing the reports in the job or altering the frequency.

Reports generated by scheduled jobs are distributed to one or more recipients via email. As you create scheduled jobs, consider whether your email server will be able to handle the size and quantity of the attached report files.

To access the Add Job page, do one of the following:

  • Select a report in the Report Catalog and click the Schedule button in the toolbar.
  • Once you have run a report in the Report Builder, click the Schedule button in the toolbar.
  • Click Add Job on the Scheduler page to create a new job.
To access the Edit Job page:
  • Click the job name link on the Scheduler page.

The Add Job or Edit Job page contains several tabs for selecting the reports to run and the schedule for running them. For detailed instructions, see:

  • Selecting reports to schedule
  • Setting the schedule
  • Selecting report recipients
  • Selecting delivery options

You can cancel the job creation or editing at any time by clicking Cancel. If you are editing a job, you can click Save once you have made the required changes, without needing to work through all the tabs.

After creating jobs, use the job list on the Schedule page to review job summaries and find other helpful information (see Scheduling reports).