Windows operating system users

To deploy the endpoint client manually to end users:


  1. Go to the Web > Settings > Endpoint page.
  2. On the General tab, if you have roaming users who are not synchronized to the cloud service and wish to assign them to a particular policy once they browse via the endpoint, select a Default endpoint policy from the drop-down list. Click Save.
  3. Under Deployment Settings, click Set Anti-Tampering Password.
    This anti-tampering password is not used when Neo is deployed. Neo uses a release code configured in the Neo management portal. See the instructions provided in the Settings section of the Forcepoint Dynamic User Protection Help.
  4. Enter and confirm your anti-tampering password, then click Submit.
  5. Under Endpoint Client Download, if available in your account, select the type of endpoint you wish to download: Neo, Proxy Connect, or Direct Connect.
  6. Select the version of the endpoint that you want to download. Click Download.
  7. (Neo) Deploy Neo using the instructions provided in the Neo installation section of Forcepoint Dynamic User Protection Help.
  8. (Classic Proxy Connect and Direct Connect) Note the GPO configuration code displayed under Deployment Settings and use it to configure the msiexec command in your GPO deployment script or manual installation. This is in the format:

    Here, xxxx is a unique code for your account.

    The code is required during installation to associate the endpoint with your customer account and enable your end users to log on transparently.

  9. (Classic Proxy Connect and Direct Connect) On the End User Control tab, select whether end users have the option to enable or disable endpoint software on their machines. You may wish to enable this feature if your users are working in a location that blocks web traffic to the cloud service. Note that this option can introduce vulnerabilities: if enabled, it permits end users to circumvent the protections offered by the endpoint software.
    • For Apply to, select Specified users or selections to allow those you specify to enable or disable the endpoint on their machines. Select Everyone except specified users or selections to prevent those you specify from enabling or disabling the endpoint on their machines.
    • To add users to the end user control list, on the Users tab enter each user email address on a separate line in the Users field.
    • To select groups, policies, or connections to add to the end user control list, on the appropriate tab, click the item you want in the Available field, then click > to move it to the Selected field. Ctrl + click to select multiple items.
    • Click Save when done.