Bulk upload file format

You can specify group membership in the uploaded file. The format of the file is shown below:


For example:

Fred Bloggs,fred.bloggs@acme.com,"Corporate Finance,All in Reading,"

Hans Bloggs,hans.bloggs@acme.de,All in Germany

Note: You can specify multiple groups, but because the field itself contains commas, you must enclose them in quotes.

If you are including NTLM identities, they may appear at the beginning or end of the line.



For example:

Anita Rao,arao@acme.com,QAGroup,testdomain\anita

The end of each line can be either a line feed, carriage return or both but you cannot mix them. For example, you cannot end one line with a carriage return and another with a line feed.

Note: If you are saving a file from Excel, do not Save As CSV (comma delimited) (*.csv), because this does not end lines consistently. Save As CSV (MS-DOS) (*.csv) instead.

The default notification template (end-user registration message) is available in HTML and TEXT. The version displayed to users depends on whether they use an HTML- or text-based email client.