Import multiple edge devices via a CSV file

Use the Device Management > Import Edge Devices page to create and import a CSV file containing details of devices to be added to the cloud service. This option is available for devices connecting via GRE and IPsec Advanced with PSK authentication.

The import CSV can be used to bulk import IPsec Advanced devices, GRE devices, or a combination of both. For ease of use, it is recommended that you import devices that use one tunneling type at a time, using the appropriate CSV template as a guide.


  1. To get started, click the template link for the appropriate devices, and save the template file to your local machine. This template provides the column headings for information that must be provided for each type of device.
  2. Open the CSV template, and populate the file with the following details for each device you want to add. Note that if an incorrect format is used in any cell of the file, the import process fails.
    For IPsec Advanced tunneling:
    • Name
    • Description
    • Device Type
    • Points of Presence (PoPs): enter up to two PoPs, identified by their ID, space separated.
    • Pre-shared key: include this if you are using your own key. Leave the column blank to auto-generate a key for each device
    • IKE Version
    • Egress IP address
    • Default Policy for traffic from the device
    For GRE tunneling:
    • Name
    • Description
    • Device Type
    • Public IP
    • Points of Presence (PoPs): enter up to two PoPs, identified by their ID, space separated.
    • Default Policy for traffic from the device

    The Default Policy and Device Type fields must be populated with policy and device names as listed in the portal. These fields are not case sensitive.

    Supported devices are listed on the Add Device page, in the Device Type drop-down menu (enter “Other” if using a device type that is not yet certified). For details of supported devices, see the Forcepoint IPsec Guide and the Forcepoint GRE Guide.

  3. When you have added your devices, save and close the file.
  4. If you have defined multiple folders on the Device Management page, select the Target folder for the devices in the CSV file. All devices must be imported into the same folder.
  5. Click Browse to select your CSV file.
  6. Click Import.

    Once the devices are added successfully, they are added to the list on the Device Management page. Use the Device ID and pre-shared key information on this page to configure your IPsec Advanced devices.

    Note: There is a different set of required columns for the IPsec Advanced and GRE device import. For convenience, we recommend using the available CSV templates and importing each device type separately.