Editing notification pages

Each notification is a complete HTML page. The Page Details page presents a simple view of the page with editable sections, enabling you to customize the text and images.

To change the content of a notification page:


  1. For custom pages, click Edit to update the page Name or Description. Click Save when done.
  2. To change the page name that appears in the browser’s title bar, edit the Page title field.
  3. Hover your mouse over the page content to highlight the sections that are editable. To edit a line of text or block of content, click its section to open a text editor window.
  4. Edit the text as required.
    • You can select all or part of the text and use the text formatting buttons to add bold, italic, color and other formatting. Hover over each text formatting button to see its function.
    • To add a variable to the section, click Variables/tokens, and select from the drop-down list. See Notification page variables, page 120.

    Click OK when done.

  5. To edit the page footer:
    1. Click the footer section to open a text editor window.
    2. If you have already specified Default footer text, clear the Use default footer text box.
    3. Enter the footer text to use for this notification page. You can select all or part of the text and use the text formatting buttons to add bold, italic, color and other formatting.
    4. Click OK when done.
  6. To edit an image on the page:
    1. Click on the image. The Image Properties pop-up window is displayed.
    2. To use one of the standard images provided by the cloud service, select Standard images and click on the image you want.
    3. To use an image of your choosing, select Custom images and enter the URL of the image you want.

      The image must be a JPEG, GIF, or PNG file. Click Verify Image to confirm the format and location of the image file.

    4. Click OK.
  7. To view and edit the HTML source, click HTML Editing. Any valid HTML may be used within a notification page.
    Note: If you edit a page in the HTML view and then click Basic Editing to return to the basic editor, you will lose any changes made in the HTML view.
  8. To see how the page appears to end users, click Preview. The page appears in a separate window.
    Note: Your browser may warn you that you are switching to an unsecured connection.
  9. Click Save when done.
    If you wish to discard customizations to a standard page, click Revert to Default. This removes all changes that have been made to the page in your account, and reverts the page to the original one supplied in the cloud service.