To add/delete sites to the Always Analyze or Never Analyze lists:


  1. Click the Add icon .
  2. Enter the site. You can enter the optional paths also along with the site. For example,
    • While adding the Analysis exception, do not enter the protocol.
    • Analysis exception on the path is only applicable, when decryption is enabled for the category of the site.
    • Only a site and the optional paths are allowed, attributes are not allowed.
  3. Click the Tick icon to add the site to the list.
    A site can appear in only one of the two lists.
  4. When you are finished making changes to both lists, click Save.
  5. To delete a site from a list, click the red “X” (delete) icon to the right of the site.
  6. To edit a site in either list, click the Pencil (edit) icon.
  7. To undo the entry of a site, click the red-dash “-” (undo) icon.