Configuring Forcepoint ONE SSE portal

Admins will need to initiate the migration for users inside the Forcepoint ONE SSE admin portal. This process requires minimal configuration and can be handled at any time.

Once migration is forced, users ActiveSync accounts across all of their devices will be cutoff selectively removing their account info and will instead have a selective wipe email (per device) with a message and link to authenticate via modern Auth. Users will not be able to access their accounts on mobile devices until they authenticate with the link.


  1. Login to the Forcepoint ONE SSE admin portal and navigate to the Protect > Policies page and select your Microsoft 365 app to open the settings page. And then under the App Instance select Migration Status.

  2. On the Mobile User Migration page, you should see a new table at the bottom. This table will allow you to add specific user groups from the IAM page that you wish to force migrate over to modern Auth. Click on the green plus icon to add a group then click Select on the new table row that is added.

  3. In the Select Groups dialog window select Any or the specific group you want to force migration on and click Ok. Back on the Mobile User Migration page click Save at the top. This will bring up a warning menu informing you that existing users will be immediately cutoff from their account across all mobile devices and will need to authenticate with the link in the email that is sent. This email message can be configured on the Protect > Notifications > Other Messages page. Type Yes into the warning message to confirm your action and start the migration.

  4. Now you are done and the status in the table will display how many users have completed the migration process.