NGFW view

The NGFW view allows you to configure and monitor the NGFW Engine.

The NGFW view consists of the following tabs:

  • The Status tab shows the status of the NGFW Engine and allows you to control the operation of the NGFW Engine.
  • The Properties tab allows you to edit the properties of the NGFW Engine.
  • The Interfaces tab allows you to view and edit the interface configuration of the NGFW Engine.
  • The Policy tab allows you to view and edit the Access policy and the NAT policy.
  • The Logs tab allows you to view log and alert entries.

NGFW > Status tab

The Status tab shows the status of the NGFW Engine and allows you to control the operation of the NGFW Engine.

Shows information about the NGFW Engine
Allows you to manage dynamic update packages and upgrade the NGFW Engine.
Links to pages in the online Help that help you get started with the Forcepoint NGFW Manager and the VPN Broker.
Commands for controlling the operation of the NGFW Engine

NGFW > Properties tab

The Properties tab allows you to edit the properties of the NGFW Engine.

General settings include high-level properties of the NGFW Engine, the NGFW Engine tester, and settings for NTP and DNS.
Policy settings specify which policies the NGFW Engine uses, as well as settings for element-based NAT, alias translation, and automatic rules.
VPN settings for the NGFW Engine
Note: VPN settings are only supported for the VPN Broker. VPN settings are not yet supported for local management of single NGFW Engines.
Log handling settings for the NGFW Engine. You can use log handling settings to configure log compression and define what happens when the log spool on the NGFW Engine becomes full.
Add-ons allow you to configure optional features for the NGFW Engine.
Other settings for the NGFW Engine

NGFW > Interfaces tab

The Interfaces tab allows you to view and edit the interface configuration of the NGFW Engine.

The image shows the physical ports on the NGFW appliance. When you select an interface in the interface table, the corresponding port is highlighted in the image.
Allows you to add interfaces to the interface table. Interfaces for each Ethernet port on the NGFW appliance are automatically included in the interface table.
If you change the number of Ethernet ports on the NGFW appliance, such as by replacing a 4-port interface module with an 8-port interface module, you must add interfaces to represent the new Ethernet ports.
The interface table allows you to configure the IP addresses, networks, and routing for each interface.

NGFW > Policy tab

The Policy tab allows you to view and edit the Access policy and the NAT policy.

Access policy

The Access policy defines which connections the NGFW Engine allows. The rules table allows you to add and edit Access rules. By default, the NGFW Engine blocks all connections that have not been specifically allowed in the Access policy.

The Access policy also defines the logging options for traffic. Log entries are shown on the Logs tab.

NAT policy

The NAT policy defines how the NGFW Engine applies network address translation (NAT) to traffic. The rules table allows you to add and edit NAT rules.

NGFW > Logs tab

The Logs tab allows you to view log and alert entries. The Logs tab shows log events in real time as they are created.