Use the search tool

Use the search tool to find elements in the Secure SD-WAN Manager.

Table 1. Available search options
Search option Description
Search Search for elements based on an element property, such as a name, comment, or IP address.
Search References Search for references to elements, to see where they are used. For example, you can find the references to elements you want to delete; referenced elements cannot be deleted until the references are removed.
Tip: You can also right-click an element, then select Tools > Where Used?.
Search DNS Search for hosts by their DNS name. The DNS search queries a DNS server, and the hosts found on the DNS server are compared to the Host elements defined in the Secure SD-WAN Manager.
Note: The Management Server must have Zone Transfer rights to be able to make queries on the DNS server.
Search Duplicate IPs Search for elements that have the same IP address in the Secure SD-WAN Manager.
Search Duplicate Services Search for Service elements that have the same protocol and destination port number.
Search Unused Elements Search for elements that are not referenced by any other element.
Search Users Search for users from an LDAP domain.
Search Trash Search for elements that have been moved to the Trash.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Select Menu > Search, then a search option.

    Figure: The Element Search

  2. Enter the search criteria.
  3. (Optional) Select options to limit the search.
  4. Click Search to start the search.
    The search results are displayed.
    Tip: If the element you searched for does not exist, right-click the empty search results, then create a Host or Network element that has the name and IP address configured according to your search terms.

Search view

Use this view to search within the Secure SD-WAN Manager.

Option Definition
Common search options
Search for Enter the search criteria (name, IP address, comment, or vulnerability reference).
  • You can use wildcard symbols in your query (for example, win*, or 192.168*100).
  • You can use the + symbol to require search criteria.
  • You can use the – symbol to exclude search criteria.
Limit by Type When selected, restricts the search to one element type. Click Select Element to select the element type.
Changed By When selected, restricts the search to elements changed by a particular administrator. Select the administrator from the list, or click Select to browse for an Administrator elements.
Changed Between When selected, searches for elements last changed between specific dates. Manually enter the dates, or click Open Calendar to pick the dates from a calendar.
Search Across Domains Search within all configured administrative Domains. This option is only visible if Domain elements have been configured.
Search Starts the search.
Option Definition
Options for searching for references
Element Select the element that you want to see references for. Click Select to browse for an element.
Show References Select this option to show more information about the references that the search found.
Option Definition
Options for DNS search
DNS Server IP Address Specifies the IP address of the DNS server.
DNS Domain Specifies the name of the DNS domain.
Network Element If a Host element that has a matching name exists, the Host element is shown in this column.
IP Address Match This column shows whether the IP address of the host matches the IP address of the Network element that has the same name. A green equals sign indicates that the host and the Network element have the same IP address. A yellow unequal sign indicates that the Host and the Network element have different IP addresses.
Option Definition
Options for searching for unused elements
Ignore references to Categories If an element has a Category associated, the element is not included in the search results. Select this option to ignore references to Categories.
Option Definition
Options for searching for users
LDAP Domain Select the LDAP Domain from where you want to search for users.
User Attribute Select a user attribute to search within.
Operator Select a search operator.
Result Type Select from the following:
  • All Entries — Search results are from both users and groups.
  • Users Only — Search results are from users only.
  • Groups Only — Search results are from groups only.