Install licenses for unlicensed components

All components must have a valid license. You must install licenses for any unlicensed components.

If you have configured Domains, licenses can be viewed only in the Shared Domain. When the license is bound to an element (automatically or manually), the license is shown only in the Shared Domain, regardless of the Domain to which the element belongs. Licenses that are not allocated to any Domain can be manually allocated to a particular Domain through their right-click menu.

If you use Management Server POL code-based licenses for Engine appliances, verify that the licenses are bound to the correct Engine elements. Remember to change the license if you change the appliance hardware.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Select Menu > System Tools > Install Licenses.
  2. Select one or more license files, then click Install.
    The licenses are installed. Most types of licenses are also automatically bound to the correct components.
  3. Select Configuration, then browse to Administration.
  4. Expand the Licenses branch, then browse to the types of licenses you installed.
  5. If you installed a dynamic Engine license (bound to the Management Server’s POL code), right-click the newly installed license, then select Bind to select the correct Engine.
    If the license is bound to an incorrect element, right-click the license, then select Unbind.
    The license is permanently bound to the Engine and cannot be bound to another Engine after you install or refresh the policy on the Engine. Permanently bound licenses cannot be rebound unless you relicense or delete the Engine element that the license is bound to. When unbound, a permanently bound license is shown as Retained.
  6. Check that components are now licensed as intended.
    • The list of Unlicensed Components might show Engines that have a license bound to the POS code of an appliance. The reason for this is that POS-bound licenses are bound to the correct Engines automatically when the Engine is installed and makes initial contact with the Management Server. The Engine is moved to the correct type of Licenses branch after initial contact with the Management Server.
    • Engine licenses are applied when you upload or refresh the policy on the Engines.
    • If any Engines are not correctly licensed, you might need to upgrade or generate the licenses again.