Restore Appliance backups

You can use the smca-restore command to restore Management Server backups, Log Server backups, and Appliance configuration files on the SMC Appliance.

Before you begin

If you are restoring a backup from a different version of the Appliance, read the version-specific Release Notes before restoring the backup.


  1. Log on to the Appliance command line.
  2. Run the restore command.
    sudo smca-restore [options]
    You can append various options to the command to customize the backup process.
    • To specify the backup file to restore, use the -backup option.
    • To restore the Management Server or Log Server backup without restoring the Appliance configuration, use the -⁠nosmca option.
    • To restore the Appliance configuration without restoring the Management Server or Log Server backup, use the -⁠smcaonly option.
  3. If you did not specify the backup file, select the backup file to be restored.
    The default backup file names have the following structure:
  4. If the backup is encrypted, enter the password.
  5. When the backup restoration has finished, restart the Appliance if you are prompted to do so.