Add an OSPFv2 Area element

You must add one or more OSPFv2 Area elements to the routing configuration.

Before you begin

You must have enabled OSPFv2 on the engine.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Select Configuration.
  2. Right-click an engine, then select Edit <element type>.
  3. In the navigation pane on the left, browse to Routing.
  4. Right-click a directly connected network under an interface or right-click a Tunnel Interface, then select Add OSPFv2 Area.
  5. Browse to the OSPFv2 Area element, click Add, then click OK.
    The element is added beneath the network or Tunnel Interface.
  6. (Optional) Override the OSPFv2 Interface Settings element that is used in the OSPFv2 Area element.
    1. Right-click the OSPFv2 Area element, then select Override Interface Settings.
    2. Browse to the OSPFv2 Interface Settings element, click Add, then click OK.
  7. (Optional) To change the communication mode, right-click the OSPFv2 Area element, then select Force Communication Mode and one of the following options:
    • Not Forced — This is the default option. Use this option if you do not want to use a different communication mode.
    • Point-to-Point — Select this option if the network is between two routers only.
    • Passive — Select this option if you do not want the interface to send routing updates, but you do want the interface to be announced.
    • Unicast — Select a Host element, click Add, then click OK.
  8. Click Save.

Engine Editor > Routing

Use this branch to view and change the routing configuration of the Engine.

Option Definition
Filter Allows you to view only the elements that match what you enter in the Filter field.
Refresh View Updates the view.
Expand All Expands all levels of the routing tree.
Collapse All Collapses all levels of the routing tree.
Display Mode Changes how the routing configuration is displayed.
  • Tree View — Displays the routing configuration as a tree of interfaces, Router elements, NetLink elements, and destination networks.
  • Table View — Displays the routing configuration as a table of destination networks, routing gateways, interfaces, and NetLink elements.
Default Route Allows you to view and create default routes that are used when there is no more specific route defined.
Note: If the Automatic Default Route setting is selected in the properties of the interface, default routes are created automatically for interfaces with dynamic IP addresses on single Engines.
  • Gateway — The IP address of the gateway device. You can also double-click the field and select a gateway device for the route.
  • Add — Adds the default route to the routing configuration.
  • Show Default Route — Highlights the default route in the Tree View or the Table View.
Add Route Allows you to add routes to specific destination networks.
  • Destination — The destination IP address or network.
  • Gateway — The IP address of the gateway device. You can also double-click the field and select a gateway device for the route.
  • Add — Adds the route to the routing configuration.
Query Route Allows you to search for routes.
  • Source — The source IP address.
  • Destination — The destination IP address.
  • Query — Highlights the route in the Tree View or the Table View.